
Extension to the moratorium of certain legal taxes has been published

March 28, 2019

Extension to the moratorium of certain legal taxes has been published

On Monday, March 25, 2019, Law N ° 70 of March 20, 2019 was publish in the Official Gazette, which “Allows a moratorium for the payment of certain taxes and dictates other provisions.” Among the new provisions we can find the following Tax moratorium:

1) Property Tax: A period of six months is granted for the payment of interest and surcharges caused by said tax, counted from January 1, 2019 until June 30, 2019.

2) Social Security Fees for independent natural taxpayers and for workers receiving salary and fees: A moratorium period is granted until June 30, 2019 for the interest caused by said obligations, as provided in articles 82, 83 and 85 of Law 51 of 2005.

3) Employee-employer contributions of the Social Security Fund that the State must pay to former workers affected by Law 25 of 1990: A period of moratorium is granted until June 30, 2019.

In addition, the right of taxpayers to make a payment arrangement with the Directorate General of Income is established up to a maximum term of two years, for the obligations resulting from the property tax updates determined by said institution, Social Security contributions for Individual taxpayers and by workers who receive salaries and fees, within which the payment will be made without surcharges or interest.

We recommend our clients to take into account this new provision is granted in retroactive effect from January 1, 2019 to June 30 of this year.

This Law No. 79 can be found in the following link:


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